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Mileage allowances in Norway

Employees travelling for business in Norway with a private vehicle may be entitled to a tax-free milage allowance, the rates of which are as follows:


Tax-free allowance per km

Car (including electric car)

NOK 3,50 (tax: NOK 1,40)

Motor boat

NOK 7,50

Snowmobile and ATV

NOK 10,00

Heavy motorcycle (up to 125 ccm) 

NOK 2,95

Moped or light motorcycle (up to 125 ccm) and other motorised means of transport

NOK 2,00

Additional rate

NOK 1,00 per km:

  • Per passenger

  • For driving on forest and construction roads

  • For bringing equipment and materials (equipment that because of its weight and/or condition would not be suitable for transport in the trunk or on a roof rack, for example when using a trailer).


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