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E-archiving and retention period in Sweden

Electronic archiving

Records in Sweden must be kept in the format in which the record was initially received or presented, meaning that, for example, electronic invoices should be retained electronically, whereas paper invoices should be retained physically.

Under certain restrictions, records may be transferred from one format to another. However, records still must be retained in the original format for at least three years following the end of the calendar year in which the record was received or presented.

Record retention

Invoices and other records for indirect tax should as a minimum be retained for seven years after the end of the calendar year in which the record was received or presented.

For certain records for which the capital goods adjustment scheme applies, records must be retained for seven years after the end of the adjustment period.

For immovable property the adjustment period is 10 years, and for other capital goods the adjustment period is 5 years, meaning that the retention period for those records is 17 and 12 years, respectively.

A fully paperless process is not supported in Sweden.

Source: Worldwide VAT, GST and Sales Tax Guide - EY

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